Kamran Agayev's Oracle Blog

Oracle Certified Master

Step by Step installing Oracle 10g RAC on VMware

Posted by Kamran Agayev A. on April 5th, 2011

In this guide I’m going to show you the process of creating Oracle 10g R2 RAC on OEL4. First of all I have to mention that I’ve prepared this guide based on the well known RAC on VMWare guide of for Vincent Chan which can be found at OTN. After using that guide I’ve decided to create a more screenshot based explained guide and prepared this blog post which contains 150 screenshots! :)

These days wordpress.com is working veeeeery slowly, so it took me two days to upload all images and create this blog post :) That was really boring. But now the blog post is online and I would be glad to hear the visitors valuable feedbacks.

In this tutorial, we use OEL4 because Oracle 10gR2 is not compatible with OEL5 (as the db was released before the OS released) As in my all tutorials, I use vmware virtual machine. In this guide I will create two virtual machines. Let’s start creating the first machine. But before it, create three directories inside one folder (for example c:\vmware)




Create the following virtual machine in the first folder and create all shared storages in the third folder

Click Next

Select Typical and click Next

Select “Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4” and Click Next

Provide the name of the virtual machine (rac1), select the location for vmware disk (you can make it c:\vmware\rac1) and click Next

Select bridged network and click next

Define the size of the hard drive of the virtual machine and click Next (set it to 20 GB and don’t check “Allocate all disk space now” checkbox) 

Mount the ISO image of the OEL4 installation and start adding more four hard drives and one Ethernet device. Click on Add button

Select “Hard Disk” and click Next

Select “Create a new virtual disk” and click Next

Select “SCSI” and check “Independent->Persistent” and click Next

For the first device, specify the disk size as “3gb”, check “Allocate all disk space now” and click Next

Create a separate folder named “C:\vmware\sharedstorage” in your hard drive, set the name of the new hard drive to “ocfs2disk.vmdk”.

After creating the first device, create more three devices with 4GB in size (asmdisk1.vmdk, asmdisk2.vmdk, asmdisk3.vmdk) and make all of them “Independent->Persistent” and don’t allocate the disk space for each of them

Next, start changing the device node for each of them. Start from the firstly added hard drive, select it, click on Advanced button and make it SCSI 1:0. For next hard drive make it 1:1 and so on

Add new Ethernet device

Change the network connection to “Host-only”

Make sure that the last state of your virtual machine looks like as it’s seen above

Then locate the configuration file of the virtual machine and start editing it

Add the lines that are marked in bold to the configuration file to make the devices be shared between to nodes

–          By specifying “disk.locking” to FALSE will allow any virtual machine to load a SCSI disk device even it’s in use by an another virtual machine

–          Specify “diskLib.dataCacheMaxSize = “0” to turn off the disk caching for clustered virtual machines.

–          By specifying scsi1.sharedBus = “virtual” will give the whole bus the ability to be shared. This prevents the locking of this specific disk

Start the virtual machine

As you have already mounted the ISO image of the OEL4, the above screen appears

Click Skip

Click Next

Select installation language and click next

Select appropriate keyboard and click next

Select “Server” as the installation type and click Next

Select Disk Druid for disk partitioning method and click Next

Click Yes for all warnings and click Next

Double click in the first drive /dev/sda

Specify ‘/’ as a mount point, make its files system “ext3” and make the End Cylinder 900 (to make the size of the root folder 7Gb). Check “Force to be a primary partition” and click Ok

Select File System Type as “swap” and change End Cylinder to 1170

Create mount point called /u01, make its files system “ext3” and make End Cylinder 2610 and click Ok

Make sure that the last state of your disk partitioning looks like as it’s seen above

Now let’s configure the network devices. Select the first device and click Edit

Uncheck “Configure using DHCP” and provide the following ip address and netmask:

IP Address:


Select the second device, edit it, uncheck “Configure using DHCP” and provide the following ip address and netmask

IP address:


Set the hostname as “rac1.test.az” (you can provide any domain name) and set the gateway to

Disable Firewall and SELinux and click Next

Select the default language for the system and click Next

Select Time-Zone and Click Next

Provide the password for the root user and click next

Select necessary packages for Oracle installation. Here’s the list of the necessary packages:

X Window System

Gnome Desktop Environment


Graphical Internet

Server Configuration Tools

Legacy Network (click Details and select “rsh_server” and “telnet-server”)

Development Tools

Legacy Software Development

Administration Tools

System Tools (select all packages that starts with “ocfs2” and “oracleasm”, select “systat” as well)

Click Next to start the installation

After installation completed the machine restarts. Click Next

Agree with license and click Next

Set the date and time and click Next

Set the display and click Next

You don’t need to create a user so click Next

Click Next

Click Next and finish the installation

Now let’s install vmware tools. For this, disconnect the mounted ISO image, choose “Install VMware Tools” from VM menu

Double click on VMware tools icon and run the .rpm file by double clicking on it

After the window is closed, open new terminal and run vmware-config-tools.pl  and finish the installation of vmware tools


To synchronize the time on the virtual machine with the host machine execute “vmware-toolbox” on the terminal window and check the check box

Edit /boot/grub/grub.conf file and add “clock=pit nosmp noapic nolapic” to the line that reads kernel /boot

The “clock=pit” prevents the clock for running to quickly and “nosmp noapic nolapic” prevents the clock from running too slowly. After you make the change, reboot the machine for change to take effect

Now let’s start the prerequisite steps for Oracle installation. For this we’ll create a group, a user and some directories

[code]groupadd oinstall

groupadd dba

mkdir -p /export/home/oracle

mkdir /ocfs

useradd -d /export/home/oracle -g oinstall -G dba oracle

chown oracle:dba /export/home/oracle /u01

passwd oracle[/code]

Change the .bash_profile (and .bashrc) file and add the following lines:

[code]export EDITOR=vi

export ORACLE_SID=devdb1

export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle

export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/10.2.0/db_1

export ORA_CRS_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/10.2.0/crs_1


export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORA_CRS_HOME/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin

umask 022[/code]

Now switch to oracle user with “su – oracle” command. Make sure all environment variables are set (echo $ORACLE_HOME).  After that, create the following directories:

[code]su – oracle

mkdir -p $ORACLE_BASE/admin

mkdir -p $ORACLE_HOME

mkdir -p $ORA_CRS_HOME

mkdir -p /u01/oradata/devdb[/code]

Note that if environment variables are not set correctly, then the above mentioned directories will not be created.

Change /etc/security/limits.conf file with a root user and add following lines:

[code]oracle soft nproc 2047

oracle hard nproc 16384

oracle soft nofile 1024

oracle hard nofile 65536[/code]

Change /etc/pam.d/login file and add the following line:

[code]session required /lib/security/pam_limits.so[/code]

Now mount the third installation cd of the OEL4, connect it and open new terminal. Switch to the RPMS folder inside the cd and install “libaio-0.3.105-2.i386.rpm” and “openmotif21-2.1.30-11.RHEL4.6.i386.rpm” packages

[code]rpm –Uvh libaio-0.3.105-2.i386.rpm

rpm –Uvh openmotif21-2.1.30-11.RHEL4.6.i386.rpm[/code]

Change /etc/sysctl.conf file and add the following lines:

[code]kernel.shmall                = 2097152

kernel.shmmax                = 2147483648

kernel.shmmni                = 4096

kernel.sem                   = 250 32000 100 128

fs.file-max                  = 65536

net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000

net.core.rmem_default        = 1048576

net.core.rmem_max            = 1048576

net.core.wmem_default        = 262144

net.core.wmem_max            = 262144[/code]

Then execute the following command for change to take effect:

/sbin/sysctl -p

Now let’s configure the network configuration files. For this we need to add IP addresses and hostnames to the /etc/hosts file in each node and test the connection by pinging the hostnames

[code]               localhost           rac1.test.az        rac1            rac1-vip.test.az    rac1-vip             rac1-priv.test.az   rac1-priv           rac2.test.az        rac2            rac2-vip.test.az    rac2-vip             rac2-priv.test.az   rac2-priv[/code]

Try the connection by pinging all hostnames (don’t ping VIP addresses as they will be created during clusterware installation):

ping rac1.test.az

ping rac1-priv.test.az

and son on

Now start creating disk partitions for OCFS2 and ASM. /dev/sdb will be used for OCFS2 and rest devices will be used for ASM.

fdisk /dev/sdb

Type n (to create new partition)

Type p to create a primary partition

Type 1 to provide the partition number

Double click on Enter and type “w” to save the changes

Perform above steps for all hard disk:

fdisk /dev/sdc

fdisk /dev/sdd

fdisk /dev/sde

To map the raw devices to the shared partitions, change /etc/sysconfig/rawdevices file:

[code]/dev/raw/raw1 /dev/sdc1

/dev/raw/raw2 /dev/sdd1

/dev/raw/raw3 /dev/sde1[/code]

And run the following command to make it effective

/sbin/service rawdevices restart

Then change the permission for all newly created raw devices:

[code]chown oracle:dba /dev/raw/raw[1-3]

chmod 660 /dev/raw/raw[1-3]

ls -lat /dev/raw/raw*[/code]

Next, switch to the oracle user and create links for raw devices

[code]su – oracle

ln -sf /dev/raw/raw1 /u01/oradata/devdb/asmdisk1

ln -sf /dev/raw/raw2 /u01/oradata/devdb/asmdisk2

ln -sf /dev/raw/raw3 /u01/oradata/devdb/asmdisk3[/code]

As the raw devices are remapped on boot, change /etc/udev/permissions.d/50-udev.permissions with the root user and add the following lines:

[code]# raw devices




After performing all above steps, shutdown the virtual machine. Then copy all its files to another directory (c:\vmware\rac2)

Open it, switch to the Options tab, change its name to “rac2” and start it

Open Network Configuration and change addresses of each Ethernet device.

eth0 –

eth1 –

Then from Hardware Device type click on “Probe” button to get new MAC address, enable both network devices, change hostname to rac2.test.az and click Ctrl+S to save the changes. Then add the following line to the /etc/hosts file              localhost

Now it’s time to establish user equivalence with SSH. Oracle Universal Installer installs the binaries in one node and then propagates the files to the other nodes. For this, it uses ssh and scp command in the background during installation to run remote commands and copy files to the other cluster nodes. So SSH must be configured so that these commands not prompt for a password. For this power on the first machine, login with root user, switch to the oracle user and generate RSA and DSA key pairs

su – oracle

ssh-keygen –t rsa (click Enter twice)

ssh-keygen –t dsa (click Enter twice)

Perform above steps in the second node (rac2)

Now (from rac1) add the generated keys to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file

[code]cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys[/code]

Then from rac1 SSH to rac2 twice and add the .rsa and .dsa keys to the “authorized_keys” file that locates in the first node:

[code]ssh rac2 cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

ssh rac2 cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys[/code]

Now copy the “authorized_keys” file from rac1 to rac2:

[code]scp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys rac2:~/.ssh/authorized_keys[/code]

After performing all above steps, you should successfully open SSH connection from rac1 to rac2 and vice verse. So run the following commands in both nodes and ensure that you’re not prompted for the password for the second time:

[code]ssh rac1 date

ssh rac2 date

ssh rac1-priv date

ssh rac2-priv date

ssh rac1.test.az date

ssh rac2.test.az date

ssh rac1-priv.test.az date

ssh rac2-priv.test.az date[/code]

I want to note again “Please make sure that after running above commands on each node, you’re not prompted for the password for the second time”

Now let’s configure Oracle ASM (Automatic Storage Management). So run the following commands from both nodes with root user:

/etc/init.d/oracleasm configure

Pass “oracle” as a parameter for “default user”

Pass “dba” as a parameter for “default group”

Pass “y” for the third and fourth parameters

Then create ASM disks on any node (try on the first node – rac1) with a root user:

/etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk VOL1 /dev/sdc1

Marking disk “/dev/sdc1” as an ASM disk:                   [  OK  ]

/etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk VOL2 /dev/sdd1

Marking disk “/dev/sdd1” as an ASM disk:                   [  OK  ]

/etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk VOL3 /dev/sde1

Marking disk “/dev/sde1” as an ASM disk:                   [  OK  ]

Verify that the ASM disks are visible from every node.

/etc/init.d/oracleasm scandisks

Scanning system for ASM disks:                      [  OK  ]

/etc/init.d/oracleasm listdisks




Now let’s configure Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS2). For this, run “ocfs2console” with a root user from the first node. Then from the Cluster menu select Configure Nodes, click Add button and apply both nodes:





Then propagate the configuration to the second node. For this select “Propagate Configuration” from the Cluster menu.

To configure O2CB to start at the boot unload and configure it on both nodes as a root user:

/etc/init.d/o2cb unload

/etc/init.d/o2cb configure

and pass the following parameters




Now format the file system on the first node (rac1). For this run ocfs2console program, select Format from the Tasks menu and click OK to format the drive. Press Ctrl+Q to quit

Now execute the following command on both nodes to mount the files system

mount -t ocfs2 -o datavolume,nointr /dev/sdb1 /ocfs

and add the following line to the /etc/fstab to mount the files system on boot

/dev/sdb1 /ocfs ocfs2 _netdev,datavolume,nointr 0 0

Create a “clusterware” directory under /ocfs folder and change the owner:

[code]mkdir /ocfs/clusterware

chown -R oracle:dba /ocfs[/code]

Now to test the shared device, create a file in the /ocfs directory from the first node (rac1) and check the same folder in the second node.

cd /ocfs

touch test_file


Now download the clusterware installation, copy it under /tmp directory, unzip it and start the installation


Provide the folder for the Inventory and click Next

Create a “clusterware” directory under /ocfs folder and change the owner:

[code]mkdir /ocfs/clusterware</span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0 0 10pt;"><span style="font-family: Calibri; font-size: small;">chown -R oracle:dba /ocfs[/code]




Now to test the shared device, create a file in the /ocfs directory from the first node (rac1) and check the same folder in the second node.

cd /ocfs

touch test_file


Now download the clusterware installation, copy it under /tmp directory, unzip it and start the installation



Provide the folder for the Inventory and click Next

Change the CRS folder to /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1 and click Next

After checking all prerequisites it should not give any warning, so click Next

Click on Add button and provide the information on the second node:

Public Node Name: rac2.test.az

Private Node Name: rac2-priv.test.az

Virtual Host Name : rac2-vip.test.az

Click on Edit button, change the Interface type of the first Ethernet device (eth0) to “Public” and the second to “Private”

Select External Redundancy and provide the location for OCR :



Select External Redundancy and provide the location for Voting Disk


Now click Install button to start the clusterware installation

After installation completes, run both scripts on both nodes

Run /u01/app/oracle/oraInventory/orainstRoot.sh on rac1 and rac2 (wait each script to complete before running it on the second node)

Run /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/root.sh on rac1 and rac2 (wait each script to complete before running it on the second node)

After running the second script on the second node (rac2) you’ll get an error (on running VIPCA), so you need to run it manually. Switch to the following directory

cd /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/bin

and run the ./vipca to create and configure VIP

Select the first Ethernet device and Click Next

After running the second script on the second node (rac2) you’ll get an error (on running VIPCA), so you need to run it manually. Switch to the following directory

cd /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/bin

and run the ./vipca to create and configure VIP

Select the first Ethernet device and Click Next


Type “rac1-vip” on the IP Alias Name for the first node (rac1). The rest boxes will be filled automatically. Click Next

Click Finish to start the installation

After vipca finished successfully, switch to the first node and click OK button on the “script running” window.

Click Exit button to exit the installation of an Oracle Clusterware

Now copy the installation of the database (Oracle 10gR2) to the /tmp directory, unzip and start the installation. You need to start the installation with an oracle user, so run “xhost +” from the root user to allow the connection to the X server and switch to the oracle user

xhost +

su – oracle


Select “Enterprise Edition” and click Next

Provide the installation directory (/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1)

Select both nodes and click Next

The prerequisite check should be successful, so click Next

Let’s install just a software, so check “Install database Software only” and click Next

Click Install to start the installation

Execute the mentioned script on both nodes (wait for the script to finish before running it on the second node)

After installation finishes, run “dbca” (Database Configuration Assistant), select “Oracle Real Application Clusters database” and click Next

Select “Configure Automatic Storage Management” and click Next

Select both nodes and click Next

Provide the password for an ASM instance, select “Create initialization parameter file (IFILE)” and click Next

Click OK to create and ASM instance on both nodes

Click YES to create listener on both nodes

Now let’s create an ASM disks. For this, click “Create New” button

Provide the name of the diskgroup “dg1”, select the “External” redundancy, select two disks “raw1,raw2” and click OK

The disk group will not be mounted in the second node, so omit this warning. The second node should be restarted (but not now)

Create the second disk group for flash recovery area (fg), select an “External” redundancy, select the last device (raw3) and click Ok

As you see, the state of disk group shows that it’s not mounted on the second node. For this, we need to restart the second node. Click on Finish and restart the second node. After it starts, login with root user and call dbca from the first node again.

Move to the above window again and you’ll see that the disk group is mounted on both nodes. Click on Finish button

Run dbca again and select “Create a Database”

Select both nodes and click Next

Select “General Purpose” and click Next

Provide the database name “devdb” and click Next

Uncheck “Configure the Database with Enterprise Manager” as it’s taking too much (some hours) to finish (however, if you have enough RAM, you can check it) and click Next

Provide the password for the SYS user and click Next

Select “Automatic Storage Management” and click Next

Provide the password for ASM and click OK

Select the first disk group and click Next

Select “Use Oracle-Managed Files” and click Next

Check “Specify Flash Recovery Area” and chose “FG” disk group and click Next

Click Next

Click Next (We’ll create TAF afterwards)

Click Next

Click Next

Click Finish to start the installation

After some hours (as I was running each virtual machine with 1GB RAM) this screen appears. Click Exit

Now both instances will be started.

After all, check the status of the Clusterware. As you see, some applications are with “OFFLINE” state. To make them online, stop and start them with SRVCTL utility as it’s shown above

After all, check the CRS status again. As you see, the State column of all applications are ONLINE

Now connect to the database from the first node (rac1) and run the following query

SQL>col host_name format a20

SQL>SELECT instance_name, host_name, thread#, status from gv$instance;

Try the conection to both instances:


[oracle@rac1 ~]$ sqlplus system@devdb1

SQL*Plus: Release – Production on Wed Mar 30 10:38:40 2011

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Enter password:

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release – Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP and Data Mining options


[oracle@rac1 ~]$ sqlplus system@devdb2

SQL*Plus: Release – Production on Wed Mar 30 10:39:04 2011

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Enter password:

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release – Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP and Data Mining options



Let’s query datafiles and logfiles:


[oracle@rac1 ~]$ sqlplus system@devdb1

SQL> col file_name format a45
SQL> select file_name, bytes/1024/1024 size from dba_data_files;

SQL> select file_name, bytes/1024/1024 "size" from dba_data_files;

FILE_NAME                                           size
——————————————— ———-
+DG1/devdb/datafile/users.259.747087235                5
+DG1/devdb/datafile/sysaux.257.747087221             240
+DG1/devdb/datafile/undotbs1.258.747087233            25
+DG1/devdb/datafile/system.256.747087209             480
+DG1/devdb/datafile/undotbs2.264.747088231            25


SQL> col member format a45
SQL> select group#, type, member from v$logfile;

———- ——- ———————————————
         2 ONLINE  +DG1/devdb/onlinelog/group_2.262.747087539
         2 ONLINE  +FG/devdb/onlinelog/group_2.258.747087547
         1 ONLINE  +DG1/devdb/onlinelog/group_1.261.747087519
         1 ONLINE  +FG/devdb/onlinelog/group_1.257.747087533
         3 ONLINE  +DG1/devdb/onlinelog/group_3.265.747132209
         3 ONLINE  +FG/devdb/onlinelog/group_3.259.747132221
         4 ONLINE  +DG1/devdb/onlinelog/group_4.266.747132235
         4 ONLINE  +FG/devdb/onlinelog/group_4.260.747132249

8 rows selected.


Now connect to an ASM instance and query the diskgroups:


sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> col name format a20

SQL> select group_number, name, state, type, total_mb, usable_file_mb from v$asm_diskgroup;
———— ——————– ———– —— ———- ————–
           1 DG1                  MOUNTED     EXTERN       8188           7048
           2 FG                   MOUNTED     EXTERN       4094           3760



Now let’s create a Service. Services are used to manage the workload in an RAC environment and provide high availability.  To create the service run “dbca”

Select the first option and click Next

Select “Service Management” and click Next

Select the first database and click Next

Provide the name of the Service and click Next

When you specify PREFERRED instances, you are specifying the number of instances on which a service will normally run. The Oracle Clusterware attempts to ensure that the service always runs on the number of nodes for which you have configured the service. Afterwards, due to either instance failure or planned service relocations, a service may be running on an AVAILABLE instance

Select Preferred for the first instance, and Available for the second instance, change the TAF policy to Basic and click Finish

After the Service created automatically, check tnsnames.ora file and you’ll see that the new entry is added

When you specify PREFERRED instances, you are specifying the number of instances on which a service will normally run. The Oracle Clusterware attempts to ensure that the service always runs on the number of nodes for which you have configured the service. Afterwards, due to either instance failure or planned service relocations, a service may be running on an AVAILABLE instance

Select Preferred for the first instance, and Available for the second instance, change the TAF policy to Basic and click Finish

After the Service created automatically, check tnsnames.ora file and you’ll see that the new entry is added

Try to connect to the database using this service. As you see, we’ll automatically connect to the first instance. Now let’s check the RAC high availability

For this, while connecting to the first instance (devdb1) using a “service”, open new terminal, connect to the first instance and shut it down

Now go back to the first session and query the v$instance view again. As you see, you’ll be automatically forwarded to the second instance

In this step by step tutorial I’ve shown you the deep step by step guide using 150 screenshots to make the RAC installation easier for you. I hope you’ll successfully install RAC and make your own tests. Good Luck!

176 Responses to “Step by Step installing Oracle 10g RAC on VMware”

  1. Wissem Says:

    Thanks Brother, Really Useful :)

  2. Muhammad Adnan Says:

    really Excellent Work Kamran….

  3. Muhammad Adnan Says:

    i m vmworkstation 7 on windows 7
    after changing the configuration file (VMX) for Locking / caching option, VM give message (Clustering is not supported)

  4. Muhammad Adnan Says:

    i m using vmworkstation 7 on windows 7 ,
    after changing the configuration file (VMX) for Locking / caching option, VM give message (Clustering is not supported)

  5. Mohamed Azar Says:

    Awesome… Appreciate your hard work !!!

    Mohamed Azar.

  6. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Dear Muhammad Adnan, you can safely ignore that warning and continue the installation

  7. Sheyda Parviz Says:

    Təşəkkürlər, bunu çoxdan axtarırdım.

  8. ASHIK Says:

    masha allah, nice work… can we use the same method 11g versions…

  9. Elkhan Yusubov Says:

    Really nice work, Thanks Kamran !

    Keep up this valuable work for ORACLE community !

  10. Vips Says:

    Thanks Kamran!!! It is very useful document.

    Do you have same doc in pdf format?

  11. pratap Says:

    Great Job .. Thanks a lot .. Kamran !
    Please share your mail ld ..

  12. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Check the following link:

  13. Amin Anwar Says:

    Good job !!!!

  14. Muzammil Says:

    Thanks Kamran you have done a good job specially for new enters.

  15. Amins Khan Says:

    Dear Mr. Kamran,

    Thanks alot for sharing such a nice tutorial. I have been waiting for RAC for so long.

    Can we use the same method with 11g versions. Please let me know.

  16. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Dear Amis, thanks for feedback

    No, in 11g it’s different, I’ll try to put an article on 11g as well :)

  17. Step by Step installing Oracle 10g RAC on VMware (via Kamran Agayev’s Oracle Blog) | 我的幸福生活 Says:

    […] In this guide I’m going to show you the process of creating Oracle 10g R2 RAC on OEL4. First of all I have to mention that I've prepared this guide based on the well known RAC on VMWare guide of for Vincent Chan which can be found at OTN. After using that guide I've decided to create a more screenshot based explained guide and prepared this blog post which contains 150 screenshots! These days wordpress.com is working veeeeery slowly, so it too … Read More […]

  18. rajiv Says:

    Hi kamran,
    Good work – but details about software download for linux to be used is missing(centos,rhel etc).I downloaded oel4 but screens am getting are different than yours. can u tell me as which unix are u using here?


  19. Iss Says:

    Hi kamran,

    im not able able to ping the rac2 machine. im getting destination host unreachable
    this what i have on both /etc/hosts file localhost rac1.test.ca rac1 rac1-vip.test.ca rac1-vip rac1-priv.test.ca rac1-priv rac2.test.ca rac2 rac2-vip.test.ca rac2-vip rac2-priv.test.ca rac2-priv

    this is my network settings from the host OS

    Windows IP Configuration

    Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 2:

    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
    IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
    Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

    Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection:

    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : gateway.2wire.net
    Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::f42f:5673:3e63:3c42%14
    IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
    Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

    Ethernet adapter Bluetooth Network Connection:

    Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

    Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

    Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

    Ethernet adapter VMware Network Adapter VMnet1:

    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
    Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::f5f4:c6cf:1a9a:83b9%19
    IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
    Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

    Ethernet adapter VMware Network Adapter VMnet8:

    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
    Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::4d71:e31c:3448:77a5%20
    IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
    Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

    Tunnel adapter isatap.{81D569CB-A721-4718-881B-F1B45A0F4E08}:

    Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

    Tunnel adapter isatap.{A0316E71-53CD-4AB8-B35F-DDDD66EDDA8A}:

    Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

    Tunnel adapter Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface:

    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
    IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:0:4137:9e76:2067:deb:3f57:fde9
    Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::2067:deb:3f57:fde9%15
    Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : ::

    Tunnel adapter isatap.{24B7D0DB-9097-4AC3-91EA-C92E6350F04E}:

    Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :


  20. Pedro Miguel Says:

    Great job, i’m working with some projects in cloud and them uses vmware, i already had everything prepared for EBS whithout RAC and now i’ll start the same work with RAC so this article will gona help me too much, my thx…

  21. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Dear ISS

    Have you done all steps as it’s shown in the screenshots? The first ethernet device should be “Bridged” and the second should be “Host only”

    moreover, you need to start them both

  22. Iss Says:

    Hi kamran,
    I started again all from scratch. I may have got up mixed with the virtual machine copy and ip addresses i can ping now.

  23. olaf Says:

    cool, i learn a lot
    many thanks to kamranagayev

  24. aamir hussain Says:

    Excellent! Its very helpful. You have done a wonderfull job for Us. Thanks

  25. Iss Says:

    Hi kamran,

    Will you also do tutorial on migration fron non rac to rac or from non asm to asm or any other combination
    Thank you.

  26. Satiram qrubu Says:


  27. shankarreddy Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    Your documentation is good

    Shankar Reddy

  28. Vineet Arya Says:

    Excellent article. Thanks for posting

  29. lalitha Says:

    hi kamaran sir,

    i would like to appreciate your great job. this is amazing. Greteful to your hardwoek done here.Thank you soo much for providing a useful valuable doc .
    i’m using vmwareworkstaton 7 in windows 7, but after creating rac1 vmmachine, wen i tried to install RedHat linux 4 version..the slides are not same sa here ..meaning DHCP seetings (network settings).I’m afraid to move ahead. i don’t have Oracle Enterprise Linux..am using RedHat Linux 4.
    Appreciate you could say is it okay to move.

  30. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Dear Lalitha, please download OEL 4 and perform your test on that OS

  31. Jerry Says:

    All good until I get to the ASM and OCFS2 setup section.

    Neither oracleasm nor ocfs2console exist in the OEL4 VM. Is there an installation section missing or have I missed a step?

  32. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Dear Jerry

    You have to install it during OS installation

  33. Anup A. uplenchwar Says:

    Thanks bro its really toooo goood….
    Again thanks!! for u r great supprot ..

  34. M. Imran Says:

    Hi Kamra,

    A good article for newbies.

    I am using OLE 4 on vmware 6 workstation but unable to mount OCFS2 shared drive on second node. Any help will be appreciated.

  35. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Dear Imran

    Could you please post what error you get?

  36. M. Imran Says:

    Dear Kamran,
    How I can check that my OLE 4.8 vmware is sharing disks.

    I have fallowed the steps carefully but my OCFS2 disk not mount at second node, I can’t see it on second node after mounting it successfully on node1 (server of ocfs)

    I check /etc/ocfs2/cluster.conf that is properly formatted and when I check status of o2cb it shows me Active heartbeat at node1 only.

    I am using vmware 7 workstation, my vmx file is as fallows. I am great-full for you help.

    .encoding = “windows-1252”
    config.version = “8”
    virtualHW.version = “7”
    scsi0.present = “TRUE”
    scsi0.virtualDev = “lsilogic”
    memsize = “1024”
    scsi0:0.present = “TRUE”
    scsi0:0.fileName = “boot_linux.vmdk”
    ide1:0.present = “TRUE”
    ide1:0.fileName = “C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\linux.iso”
    ide1:0.deviceType = “cdrom-image”
    floppy0.startConnected = “FALSE”
    floppy0.fileName = “”
    floppy0.autodetect = “TRUE”
    ethernet0.present = “TRUE”
    ethernet0.wakeOnPcktRcv = “FALSE”
    ethernet0.addressType = “generated”
    usb.present = “TRUE”
    ehci.present = “TRUE”
    sound.present = “TRUE”
    sound.fileName = “-1”
    sound.autodetect = “TRUE”
    serial0.present = “TRUE”
    serial0.fileType = “thinprint”
    pciBridge0.present = “TRUE”
    pciBridge4.present = “TRUE”
    pciBridge4.virtualDev = “pcieRootPort”
    pciBridge4.functions = “8”
    pciBridge5.present = “TRUE”
    pciBridge5.virtualDev = “pcieRootPort”
    pciBridge5.functions = “8”
    pciBridge6.present = “TRUE”
    pciBridge6.virtualDev = “pcieRootPort”
    pciBridge6.functions = “8”
    pciBridge7.present = “TRUE”
    pciBridge7.virtualDev = “pcieRootPort”
    pciBridge7.functions = “8”
    vmci0.present = “TRUE”
    roamingVM.exitBehavior = “go”
    displayName = “node1”
    guestOS = “oraclelinux”
    nvram = “Oracle Enterprise Linux.nvram”
    virtualHW.productCompatibility = “hosted”
    printers.enabled = “TRUE”
    extendedConfigFile = “Oracle Enterprise Linux.vmxf”
    ethernet0.generatedAddress = “00:0c:29:d6:b5:40”
    tools.syncTime = “TRUE”
    uuid.location = “56 4d 3d 26 e2 2e e0 18-34 10 06 cb 18 d6 b5 40”
    uuid.bios = “56 4d 3d 26 e2 2e e0 18-34 10 06 cb 18 d6 b5 40”
    cleanShutdown = “FALSE”
    replay.supported = “TRUE”
    replay.filename = “”
    scsi0:0.redo = “”
    pciBridge0.pciSlotNumber = “17”
    pciBridge4.pciSlotNumber = “21”
    pciBridge5.pciSlotNumber = “22”
    pciBridge6.pciSlotNumber = “23”
    pciBridge7.pciSlotNumber = “24”
    scsi0.pciSlotNumber = “16”
    usb.pciSlotNumber = “32”
    ethernet0.pciSlotNumber = “33”
    sound.pciSlotNumber = “34”
    ehci.pciSlotNumber = “35”
    vmci0.pciSlotNumber = “36”
    vmotion.checkpointFBSize = “16777216”
    ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = “0”
    vmci0.id = “416724289”
    tools.remindInstall = “FALSE”
    ethernet0.connectionType = “bridged”

    diskLib.dataCacheMaxSize= “0”
    scsi0.sharedBus =”virtual”

    scsi0:1.deviceType= “disk”
    scsi0:1.present = “TRUE”
    scsi0:1.fileName = “asm1.vmdk”
    scsi0:1.mode = “independent-persistent”

    scsi0:2.deviceType= “disk”
    scsi0:2.present = “TRUE”
    scsi0:2.fileName = “asm2.vmdk”
    scsi0:2.mode = “independent-persistent”

    scsi0:3.deviceType= “disk”
    scsi0:3.present = “TRUE”
    scsi0:3.fileName = “asm3.vmdk”
    scsi0:3.mode = “independent-persistent”

    scsi0:4.deviceType= “disk”
    scsi0:4.present = “TRUE”
    scsi0:4.fileName = “ocr.vmdk”
    scsi0:4.mode = “independent-persistent”

    ethernet1.present = “TRUE”
    ethernet1.connectionType = “hostonly”
    ethernet1.wakeOnPcktRcv = “FALSE”
    ethernet1.addressType = “generated”
    ethernet1.generatedAddress = “00:0c:29:d6:b5:4a”
    scsi0:1.redo = “”
    scsi0:2.redo = “”
    scsi0:3.redo = “”
    scsi0:4.redo = “”
    ethernet1.pciSlotNumber = “37”
    ethernet1.generatedAddressOffset = “10”
    ide1:0.startConnected = “FALSE”
    unity.wasCapable = “FALSE”

  37. babu Says:

    Can i install & implement this configuration on OEL 5? or i need only OEL 4?

  38. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Dear Babu

    Yes you can, but you need to perform some prerequisites as OEL 4 is not supported with Oracle 10gR2 RAC

  39. Deepika Says:

    Sir is that to implement RAC we require dual core processor …..
    Sir could u please mention the details of hardware

    Best Regards

  40. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Not it’s not required Deepika

  41. bhavan Says:

    Great work man….

  42. pavan Says:


    I am unable to share the /ocfs on 2nd node:

    [root@rac2 ~]# mount -t ocfs2 -o datavolume,nointr /dev/sdb1 /ocfs
    mount.ocfs2: Bad magic number in superblock while opening device /dev/sdb1
    [root@rac2 ~]#

    Can you please help out! I will be delighted if you can?


  43. M. Imran Says:

    Dear Kamran,
    I have tried with different combination to shared disk in VM but no luck. May be my OS or system architecture not supported for that. Then I tried openfiler on VM and it is working great and my two node cluster is flying now. Your blog help me a lot. Will try your all other tutorials.

    Thank you very much.


  44. Karthik Says:

    Awesome tutorial….Many thanks Kamran for providing such an useful guide and i appreciate you hard work involved in preparing this tutorial..

  45. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Thank you for the feedback Karthik

  46. Deepika Says:

    Sir i read step by step i have a query related to vmvware as my using vmware workstation 7.0 and related to partions while installing Sir i wanted to implemented as it is great arcticle but wanted to confirm u wheather the same will work on vmware workstation 7.0 on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5

    Regards ,

  47. Deepika Says:

    Sir u have clearly mentioned u are using OLE4 but sir i don’t have ant\y other version as if i change the /etc/redhat-release 5.5 to 4 will that work as in cse of installation of oracle


  48. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Dear Deepika

    There may be some differences in configuration file of the vmware due to the version difference. And the installation RAC on OEL 5 has some pre-requisites (as it is not certified), so would suggest you to get the correct vmware and OEL (you can download OEL 4 from this link – http://edelivery.oracle.com/linux)

  49. Janis Griffin Says:

    Great documentation on how to set up Oracle on VMware! A great tool to view all of the layers of virtual environment to see how your databases are performing in VM is IgniteVM. You can download a free trial of IgniteVM at http://www.confio.com. IgniteVM will show your Tops Sqls/Waits along with Database Health Metrics, the VM/OS guest layer, Host layer and Storage layer in one screen to help you quickly identify bottlenecks at any of the layers.

  50. Mohammed.Ateeq Says:


    i have installed vmware on windows xp. The vmware has Redhat linux AS4 installed.

    uname -i = i386
    uname -r = 2.6.9-5.EL

    I am looking for oracleasm rpm’s related with this Linux OS. Could anyone please help me identify which rpm’s to download. I am facing problem @ this step:

    /etc/hosts/oracleasm configure
    Initializing the Oracle ASMLib driver: [FAILED]

    I tried this website(http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/linux/downloads/rhel4-092650.html), but couldn’t the exact RPM’S for my OS.
    Please suggest where i can download rpm and their names.

    Best Regards,

  51. krishna Says:

    Hi kamran how r u.

    where do I find the configuration file of the virtual machine and start editing it.


  52. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    I’ve already shown where to find the configuration file in the screenshots. Please check the post cearfully

  53. krishna Says:

    Hi kamran how r u.

    when I am double clicking on vmware tools the rpm package file is not appearing. Only .pl is appearing on the screen.
    what need to be done


  54. kavita Says:

    Sir iam getting stuck at this step when ever i execute
    [oracle@rac1 ~]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
    -bash: ssh-keygen: command not found
    [oracle@rac1 ~]$

    Thanks in Advance

  55. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Try one of the following:


  56. kavita Says:

    Hi ,
    Sir while doing the enteries in bash_profile and .bashrc iam facing the above issue iam using ole 4.4

    Thanks in Advance

  57. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Which issue are you facing when entering to the bash_profile file?

  58. kavita Says:

    Sir if do the enteries in bash_profile my user oracel gets corrupt and non of the commands such as man ,pwd and ssh is not working an my termnal gets converted


    iam using the ole version 4 but still issues of user has arised

    Thanks in Advance

  59. rajat Says:

    Hi kamran,

    I am getting below error,

    ssh rac2 cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    ssh:connect to host rac2 port 22:No route to host

  60. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Dear Rajat
    Have you specified “rac2” in the /etc/hosts table? Are you able to ping it?

  61. rajat Says:

    Hi kamran,

    i have mentioned entries in /etc/hosts file in both VM machines.

    I’m able to ping locally on remote node but not able to ping rac2 on rac1 machine & vice-verse.

    Kindly Suggest.


  62. ibrahim Says:

    Hi kamran

    i have a Error failed..pls help me in this step…

    [root@rac1 devdb]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm configure
    Configuring the Oracle ASM library driver.

    This will configure the on-boot properties of the Oracle ASM library
    driver. The following questions will determine whether the driver is
    loaded on boot and what permissions it will have. The current values
    will be shown in brackets (‘[]’). Hitting without typing an
    answer will keep that current value. Ctrl-C will abort.

    Default user to own the driver interface [oracle]:
    Default group to own the driver interface [oinstall]:
    Start Oracle ASM library driver on boot (y/n) [y]:
    Scan for Oracle ASM disks on boot (y/n) [y]:
    Writing Oracle ASM library driver configuration: done
    Initializing the Oracle ASMLib driver: [FAILED]


  63. ibrahim Says:

    Hello kamran

    i resolve the problem..by google

    disable SElinux and firewall..I for got it…

    But i have a Error in making a volume disk

    [root@rac1 devdb]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk VOL1 /dev/sdb1
    Marking disk “VOL1” as an ASM disk: [FAILED]


  64. ibrahim Says:

    Hi kamran,

    This ibrahim i have on completed upto
    /etc/init.d/o2cb unload
    /etc/init.d/o2cb configure
    and pass the following parameters
    after that format from task is not working

    it’s show Error

    No unmounted partitions

    pls help me


  65. SINY Says:


    I am not able to connect both the nodes in private network.

    Fro node 1 I’m not able to ping rac2-priv ans vise-versa.

    I have configured both the private ethernet in host-only mode but basically both the nodes are not able to delect each other on this.

    Please help.

    [root@rac1 ~]# ping rac2-priv
    PING rac2-priv.test.az ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    From rac1-priv.test.az ( icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
    From rac1-priv.test.az ( icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
    From rac1-priv.test.az ( icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable

    — rac2-priv.test.az ping statistics —
    6 packets transmitted, 0 received, +3 errors, 100% packet loss, time 4999ms

    [root@rac2 ~]# ping rac1-priv
    PING rac1-priv.test.az ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    From rac2-priv.test.az ( icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
    From rac2-priv.test.az ( icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
    From rac2-priv.test.az ( icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable

    — rac1-priv.test.az ping statistics —
    5 packets transmitted, 0 received, +3 errors, 100% packet loss, time 21778ms
    , pipe 3

  66. mehmet Says:

    kamran your are beautiful men :) thank you so much

  67. Dshah Says:

    Hi Kamran/All,
    I have installed vm workstation 7.1 on windows 7 machine, and have installed OEL 4, after installation of OEL 4 , when it tries to boot, it just hangs with blank screen..i tried turning off the machine and turning it back on , now after initial vmware screen it just hangs….any idea what is going wrong here?

    -Thanks in advance

  68. khalid Says:


  69. krishna Says:

    Hi kamran how r u.

    when I am double clicking on vmware tools the rpm package file is not appearing. Only .pl is appearing on the screen.
    what to do.


  70. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Dear Krishna

    You can run the pl file from Terminal. Switch to that folder and run ./file_name.pl

  71. Halim Says:

    very nice, thanks for spending so many times.


  72. Vantuir Teixeira Says:

    Hi Kamran
    First of all, congratulations for the great article. Very good information. But I have a question. Hope you can help on that.

    I have followed all the steps, and I’m able to mount the ocfs share in both nodes, but I’m not able to see files that a create in such nodes. I mean, the file that I create from rac1, can’t be seen in rac2. Please, let me know if you have any idea about what is the problem that I’m facing.

    I used the following command to mount
    mount -t ocfs2 -o datavolume,nointr /dev/sdb1 /ocfs

    and also added instructions in /etc/fstab

    but when testing
    cd /ocfs
    touch test_file

    I can’t see file in node 2. If I created from node 2, I can’t see in node 1.


  73. Vantuir Teixeira Says:

    I have dropped and node 2 and recreated everything from the scratch. After that, I configured OCFS share again, and it could be seen by both nodes correctly.
    Thanks for the article. Very good one.

    My only suggestion is to add some lessons learned and common problems that you faced in a new session.


  74. sheokand Says:

    HI Kamran,

    Firstly Wishing you a lot of happiness in your life.
    Feeling freshness to reach on your blog today.

    Kamran I have configured 2 node RAC on VMware SERVER 2.0.2 .
    Host Configuration : INTEL Dual Core 1.80 Ghz Processor & 3 GB RAM

    Both Guest Machines boot up fine. But as I open one DB instance then execution & I/O performance is slow.
    But performance is extremely poor after opening 2nd DB instance.
    CPU usage by oracle on Guest Machine is around 10-30 %.

    Guest Machines do not swap & RAM usage on each guest is not more than 700MB. RAM usage decreases with time.

    But after all I am unable to understand WHY performance is so bad.

    As I think Resource Usage by VMWARE is not more than 50% but after that its performing very slow.
    Can you share your views to Diagnose & Resolve the performance problem ???

    Naveen Sheokand

    Email: ipeducation@yahoo.com

  75. Arbind Kumar Karna Says:

    Great work and Thats superb presentation !!

  76. San Maharjan (@san_maharjan) Says:

    Thanks Kamran Agayev A.
    This tutorial really worked for me.
    Successfully installed in VMWARE machine. CHEERS

  77. Jazz Says:

    Where to locate the configuration file of the virtual machine ??

  78. jain Says:

    HI Kamran,
    i am desperate in need of implementing 10g RAC (2 nodes) on windows server 2008, Please help me with the documents and links which i can relay on where it was tested before on the Similar Environment .Your Help would be great


  79. harsh Says:

    Hello Kamran,

    It’s superb work..I installed centos and install oracle 10g r2. and i want to configure rac. what is the basic requirement and steps i have to perform for configure rac.

    Thanks in Advance.

  80. Vikram Poloju Says:

    Hi Kamran SIr,

    While I am installing the clusterware on my 2node RAC I have received the following error on node 2.( on node 1 it went fine)

    OCR create keys failed, OCR error 26

    I tried to check the post cluvfy to see what happened and found below.

    Post check of cluvfy

    Performing post-checks for cluster services setup

    Checking node reachability…
    Node reachability check passed from node “rac1”.

    Checking user equivalence…
    User equivalence check passed for user “oracle”.

    Checking Cluster manager integrity…

    Checking CSS daemon…
    Daemon status check failed for “CSS daemon”.

    Check failed on nodes:

    Cluster manager integrity check failed.

    Checking cluster integrity…

    Cluster integrity check failed. This check did not run on the following nodes(s):

    Checking OCR integrity…

    Checking the absence of a non-clustered configuration…
    All nodes free of non-clustered, local-only configurations.

    OCR ID is inconsistent amongst the nodes.
    Possibly different devices are in use across the nodes.

    OCR ID = “1075259151” found for nodes: rac1
    OCR ID = “1293834159” found for nodes: rac2

    OCR integrity check failed.

    Checking CRS integrity…

    Checking daemon liveness…
    Liveness check failed for “CRS daemon”.

    Check failed on nodes:

    Checking daemon liveness…
    Liveness check failed for “CSS daemon”.

    Check failed on nodes:

    Checking daemon liveness…
    Liveness check failed for “EVM daemon”.

    Check failed on nodes:

    Checking CRS health…
    CRS health check failed.
    Check failed on nodes:

    CRS integrity check failed.

  81. Ziya Says:

    Great job Kamran.
    Thanks for sharing…

  82. Rajiv Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    Thank you for posting this nice blog, while configuring hardware , regarding the ethernet adapters, while I’m chosing the option to specify ethernet adapters details, Can I make use of the existing network adapters within the laptop or should I be using a new ethernet adapter installing it into laptop first and then my VM will be able to chose from it? . At present when I try to add the network adpaters section, I’ve only one option i.e Physical network and nothing related to ethernet adapters…please specify some details about this.


  83. Mayur Says:

    Hi Kamran,
    Thank you for such a nice tutorial.
    When I try to configure ocfs2 on second node I face below error,

    [root@rac2 ocfs2]# /etc/init.d/o2cb enable
    Writing O2CB configuration: OK
    Loading module “ocfs2_nodemanager”: Unable to load module “ocfs2_nodemanager”

    I search on internet but I didn’t get any solution on that, Kamran please help me out.

    Thank a lot.

  84. mayurpatil (@mspatil21) Says:

    Hi Kamran,
    Thank you for such a nice tutorial.
    When I try to configure ocfs2 on second node I face below error,

    [root@rac2 ocfs2]# /etc/init.d/o2cb enable
    Writing O2CB configuration: OK
    Loading module “ocfs2_nodemanager”: Unable to load module “ocfs2_nodemanager”

    I search on internet but I didn’t get any solution on that, Kamran please help me out.

    Thank a lot.

  85. Mayur Says:

    Hi Kamran

    You did a very good job, Thanks a lot

    I install ocfs2 on node first not successfully but when I try it on second node it show
    below error, please help me out.

    [root@rac2 ocfs2]# /etc/init.d/o2cb enable
    Writing O2CB configuration: OK
    Loading module “ocfs2_nodemanager”: Unable to load module “ocfs2_nodemanager”


  86. Jayapal Says:

    AWESOME presentation..


  87. brahmaji Says:


  88. Carlos Rozas Says:

    Document very good, but you work and availability to share that work is the best.



  89. Rajesh Says:

    Hi Kamran

    Greetings! I tried to setup a vartual machine by using your doc but I got stuck on screen shot 7 (Specify Disk capacity). You mentioned in your doc that after unchecking the allocate all disk space we need to click on NEXT… but screen shot does not contain any NEXT Button. It has and Button only. When I clicked on I got a error message like INVALID HANDEL. It never reach to next screen shot (Virtual Machine Setting) Can you please advise where I am making a mistake ??

  90. suresh kumar Says:

    Hi Sir,

    I am trying to install 10g rac on redhat 5 32 bit on vmware workstation 7. I following the samp step as you mention in document. But i stuck on vmware tools configuration. I turned off the io image and enable vmware tools configuration.When i did double click on vmware tools icon on desktop rac1 machine it doesn’t show any rpm (i386.rpm) as you mention in docutment, and no any vmware command running ,getting vmware command not found.

    Please suggest , how i can fix this.

    Suresh kumar

  91. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Right click on the “VMware tools” icon, and click on Eject. Then mount the vmware images again and see what happens

  92. VIBHOR Says:

    Hi kamran,
    First of all thank you very much for such a great work.This is the best documentation for rac on vmware.
    I am facing some problems.
    1.sometimes oracle database software install only on first machine,no option comes for installing it on other node.
    2.it also gives error CRS-0215 LISTENER COULD NOT BE STARTED.
    3.It is mounting disk on node 1 only.
    plz help….
    waiting for ur reply….
    thank you

  93. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Dear Vibhor
    Please make sure you’ve performed all steps before installing Oralce Software

  94. vijay Says:

    i am vijay working as a appsdba in hcltech i follwed your step to install rac . vmware station clustering is not supported . so the setup will ignored . what i have do now


  95. RajB Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    Kindly post video for the same installation if it is possible.


  96. S.M.Bahauddin Bakhtiar Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    It’s a great document .

    I have some question about rac1 and rac2 mount point. that is i am mount rac1 /ocfs successfully but when i try to mount rac2 /ocfs i would not mount. It says
    mount.ocfs1 : Transport endpoint is not connected while mounting /dev/sdb1 on /ocfs

    i am not sure what is the error

    Call you help me .


  97. S.M.Bahauddin Bakhtiar Says:

    I have solved the node2 mount problem


  98. S.M.Bahauddin Bakhtiar Says:

    Now i am facing problem that when i run dbca to create the asm disk it is not shown the my previously created 3 asmdisk that is


    did i do any mistake.please help me.


  99. S.M.Bahauddin Bakhtiar Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    I have passed the asm disk problem. I have another problem now that is i have created two disk group as per your instruction that is

    dg1 from /dev/raw/raw1 and /dev/raw/raw2


    fg from /dev/raw/raw3

    for that i see the one disk group is mounted and you say that the second node is mounted after second node is restared.So i am not understand how can i restart the second node. Please help me.


  100. Khurram Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    I am also having the same problem like above mention by Bahauddin Bakhtiar.

    plz help


  101. Khurram Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    During configure VIP on rac2, I am getting only eth0, not eth1 in the list.

    So what could be the reason??

    Please reply,

    Thanks in advance,


  102. Aswin Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    Really Thanks a lot for this document. It is useful and worth full documents

  103. mourad Says:


    I have done all the statps till the mount -t ocfs2 -o datavolume,nointr /dev/sdb1 /ocfs, but after rebootin the systems I could not mount them again.

    please advice

  104. agathian Says:

    Hi Imran,

    I’m also facing same problem. can you please help me , how do you solve it?



    M. Imran Says:


    June 12th, 2011 at 2:27 pm
    Dear Kamran,
    I have tried with different combination to shared disk in VM but no luck. May be my OS or system architecture not supported for that. Then I tried openfiler on VM and it is working great and my two node cluster is flying now. Your blog help me a lot. Will try your all other tutorials.

    Thank you very much.


  105. agathian Says:

    found solution:



    for example
    My host application crashed bringing down the guest VM machine. When i try to restart the VM machine it gave the ff. msg:
    “Cannot open the disk. ‘D:\Programs\Virtual Machine\*”
    Reason: Failed to lock the file.

    Delete any .LCK folders within the main VM folder. If this works, you should get your system back in an up-to-date state. Just like the above thread suggested. This works fine for me…Hope this helps anyone out there 😉

  106. RAC 10g installation | agathian Says:

    […] http://kamranagayev.com/2011/04/05/step-by-step-installing-oracle-10g-rac-on-vmware/http://kamranagayev.com/2011/04/05/step-by-step-installing-oracle-10g-rac-on-vmware/ […]

  107. ahmed Says:

    Dear kamran,
    thanks a lot for preparing the screenshots,which are verymuch helpful for beginners.if possible post some screen shots rac on 11g.
    thanks once again

  108. Prashant Says:

    I did till ocfs2console”
    Now let’s configure Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS2). For this, run “ocfs2console” with a root user from the first node.

    But when I invoke cluster configure node getting below error
    could not start cluster stack. This must be resolved before any OCFS2 filesystem can be mounted.

    My system output are using enterprise Linux
    my system architecure as
    # rpm -qf /boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r` –queryformat “%{ARCH}\n”
    # uname -r
    Please help .

  109. Ravi kumar Says:

    hi this is very good . but i will suggest you something if you dont take it other way. this is for experience people who know everything regarding DBA. you left the preinstallation checks which is used by ./runcluvfy versbose command. u have to mention this command also and the packages list also. rest of the things are good.

    Ravi Kumar

  110. Balaji Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    Very very useful blog Many thanks for the efforts.

    I am also facing the same issue as khurram.
    During configure VIP on rac2, I am getting only eth0, not eth1 in the list and I continued the installation at one step in oracle binary software I am not able to see the eth1 so binaries are installed only in rac1.

    Please help to sort it out.


  111. ahmed Says:

    i have configured two node rac,as per your steps.but after establishing user equivalence between nodes it is asking password for second time also.so suggest me what might be the problem.
    i have removed thrice the .ssh directory and reconfigured the keys,but getting the same problem.

  112. ahmed Says:

    if i give command
    “ssh rac2 date” for second time it is asking password
    please suggest me what to do.
    i m trying from last two weeks,but unable to troubleshoot.

  113. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    If it’s still asking for the password, it means that you haven’t used ssh-keygen correctly. Check the specific step and try again

  114. prashant salvi Says:

    I did till ocfs2console”
    Now let’s configure Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS2). For this, run “ocfs2console” with a root user from the first node.

    But when I invoke cluster configure node getting below error
    could not start cluster stack. This must be resolved before any OCFS2 filesystem can be mounted.

    My system output are using enterprise Linux
    my system architecure as
    # rpm -qf /boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r` –queryformat “%{ARCH}\n”
    # uname -r
    Please help .

  115. ahmed Says:

    hi kamran,
    i have tried four times,also followed the same steps as shown in screenshots.it is asking password for the second time.Is there any alternate steps to be followed to overcome this problem.

    Thanks & Regards

  116. Taimur khan Says:

    really a great and nice work, really great and step by step with images.

  117. Taimur khan Says:

    thanks for these steps for beginners like me.

  118. ahmed Says:

    hi Kamran,
    please suggest how to resolve the issue,
    i have tried four times,also followed the same steps as shown in screenshots.it is asking password for the second time.Is there any alternate steps to be followed to overcome this problem.

    Thanks & Regards

  119. Manju Says:

    How many days did it take for you to learn and implement this rac and taking screen shots
    It is taking over a week for me with daily 7 to 8 hrs of effort
    I am installing oin vmware, solaris10 rac100gr2

  120. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    It took a lot :)

  121. sohan Says:

    hi kamran

    Thanks for sharing such a good information..
    i have one question.
    i am not able to create rac2..
    when i try to switch rac1 to rac2
    it renamed the first one(rac1)instead of creating rac2
    pls help me how to get out from this problem..
    thanks in advance..

  122. shiva Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    thanks a lot and i want to learn RMAN can you send me RMAN releated documents


  123. ahmed Says:

    i have followed the below steps to configure user equivalence among two nodes.i.e rac1 and rac2,but failed to establish.i tried this steps four times unsucessfully,please help me in this regard,it would be a great help from you.

    Thanks and Regards
    Imran ahmed

    rac2-> mkdir ~/.ssh
    rac1-> ssh-keygen -t rsa
    Generating public/private rsa key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/export/home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa):
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in /export/home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa.
    Your public key has been saved in /export/home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
    The key fingerprint is:
    87:54:4f:92:ba:ed:7b:51:5d:1d:59:5b:f9:44:da:b6 oracle@rac1.mycorpdomain.com

    rac1-> ssh-keygen -t dsa
    Generating public/private dsa key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/export/home/oracle/.ssh/id_dsa):
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in /export/home/oracle/.ssh/id_dsa.
    Your public key has been saved in /export/home/oracle/.ssh/id_dsa.pub.
    The key fingerprint is:
    31:76:96:e6:fc:b7:25:04:fd:70:42:04:1f:fc:9a:26 oracle@rac1.mycorpdomain.com
    On rac2,

    rac2-> mkdir ~/.ssh
    rac2-> ssh-keygen -t rsa
    Generating public/private rsa key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/export/home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa):
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in /export/home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa.
    Your public key has been saved in /export/home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
    The key fingerprint is:
    29:5a:35:ac:0a:03:2c:38:22:3c:95:5d:68:aa:56:66 oracle@rac2.mycorpdomain.com

    rac2-> ssh-keygen -t dsa
    Generating public/private dsa key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/export/home/oracle/.ssh/id_dsa):
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in /export/home/oracle/.ssh/id_dsa.
    Your public key has been saved in /export/home/oracle/.ssh/id_dsa.pub.
    The key fingerprint is:
    4c:b2:5a:8d:56:0f:dc:7b:bc:e0:cd:3b:8e:b9:5c:7c oracle@rac2.mycorpdomain.com

    On rac1,
    rac1-> cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    rac1-> cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    rac1-> ssh rac2 cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    The authenticity of host ‘rac2 (’ can’t be established.
    RSA key fingerprint is 63:d3:52:d4:4d:e2:cb:ac:8d:4a:66:9f:f1:ab:28:1f.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
    Warning: Permanently added ‘rac2,’ (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
    oracle@rac2’s password:
    rac1-> ssh rac2 cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    oracle@rac2’s password:
    rac1-> scp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys rac2:~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    oracle@rac2’s password:
    authorized_keys 100% 1716 1.7KB/s 00:00

  124. Ganesh Says:

    Super Document

  125. ravikishore Says:

    waiting for this awesome doc for many days..Thnks alot and need more exercises regarding non rac to rac, non asm to asm ….

  126. santosh kamana Says:

    Hi kamran,

    i am successfully login to rac1 node,but when i am trying to login another node rac2 it’s getting like this error :
    Cannot open the disk ‘D:\sharedstorage\ocfs2disk.vmdk’ or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.
    Reason: Failed to lock the file.

    please help me to solve this problem

  127. Srinias Says:

    Hello Sir,

    “Open it, switch to the Options tab, change its name to “rac2” and start it” in this Rac installation step, i have rename to Rac2 but it will replace rac1 to rac2. It will not create one more virtual disk means. only one will appear i.e rac2. how to create both rac1 and rac2 from your point of view. Pls explain sir.

    Thanking you.

  128. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    You need to stop the rac1 server, copy the folder and then rename the second machine to rac2 and open it

  129. Srinias Says:

    Hello sir,

    Here i’m stop the rac1 then copy all the files to rac2 folder. Then went to the vmware and options tab its rename to rac2 and opened. But its replace the rac1 to rac2 server. Not created the both servers means rac1 and rac2. I hope ur understand the situation pls explain clearly sir. How to get rac1 and rac2 servers.

    Thanking you.

  130. usha Says:

    o2cb_ctl: Unable to access cluster service while creating node

    Could not add node rac1

    how to add node with ocfs2console tool

  131. Nikil Says:

    Hi Kamran

    Good morning

    I read your blog its really helpful. Today I am going to setup RAC on my 8gb RAM machine. As you said in the begining that OEL 5 is not supportive. So,I am going to download OEL4. Can you confirm any specific update with OEL 4.

    I see on edelivery website: OEL 4 Update 4, 5 , 6,7 and 8. Do I need to be specific with Update?

    Your response will be highly appreciated.


  132. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    You can try without update

  133. muneer Says:

    Dear Kamran,

    Thanks for the excellent post.

    I have one doubt though. We created three ASM disks named VOL1, VOL2, VOL3. However, in later installation, they were never used and we had to specify the name of the raw disk partitions instead. Where then the VOL1, VOL2 and VOL3 ASM disks are being used which we created ?


  134. sharmila Says:

    Hi Kamran,
    I really appreciate your effort in creating a website and uploading all tutorials .It really motivates & help us a lot when we are
    stuck up in the middle of something…

    I have a question for you.

    Is it possible to do diaster recovery on the same virtual machine OEL11gR2 .

    Awaiting your reply.


  135. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Sharmila, thanks for the feedback
    Sure it’s possible to perform a disaster recovery on the same machine

  136. sarathi Says:

    useful article

  137. Praveen k Says:

    Thanks a lot…friend..

    I have sucessfully installed 10gRAC on OEL4U6.

  138. Step by Step installing Oracle 10g RAC on VMware « dba oracle br Says:

    […] http://kamranagayev.com/2011/04/05/step-by-step-installing-oracle-10g-rac-on-vmware/ […]

  139. Lachhman Says:

    Excellent work kamran

    Can u please tell except of OEL4 Which Redhat release is best of these steps without any rpm packages Issue.

  140. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    You can use Red Hat Linux as well (or CentOS)

  141. narendranath reddy Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    I followed your online step by step rac installation guide to install rac 10g on my pc. after configuration of one vm machine (RAC1) , i copied all the files from rac1 location to rac2 location.
    When i open the rac2 virtual machine it is opened, but my rac1 machine is not available. As of now only one virtual machine is confiugered, If i want to configure rac2 along with rac1 vm machines please suggest me how to configure both need to appear on my vmware player.

    Thanks and regards,

  142. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Narendranath
    Could you please explain what do you mean with “my first vmware machine is not available” Just try to open it, it must be available. Do you get any error?

  143. Junaid Khan Says:

    Really good docs Kamran… :)

  144. Aswin Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    Really this document is helpful me.do you have any RAC 11gr2 grid infrastructure installation guide using vmware. If you have any simple method this like please share us

  145. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Aswin
    I’m currently working on it and will post it soon

  146. Gary Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    Nice blog!

    I am new to virtualization and we are currently implementing it.

    We have an Oracle 10g on RHEL 4. Oracle is configured on RAC with ASM. The datafiles are stored on an EMC storage.

    Our problem is that, when we tried to clone the Database (RAC) servers, we can’t completely copy all the volumes / files from the EMC. Thus, we can’t bring up the virtualize copy of the database.

    Any advice you can give in this regard?

  147. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Gary
    What do you mean “we can’t completely copy”? Do you get any error?

  148. ajay Says:

    Hi Kamran,
    Thank you so much for all your efforts, I followed all the steps mentioned by you, but when I run “ocfs2console” as a root user from first node, and click on the cluster menu and select configure nodes, an error is thrown. Also when I start the rac1 or rac2 I get a message that clustering is not supported. I am using VMware 7 version for creating the VM and OEL5. Also the bridge networking is not working. Your suggestions are highly appreciated. Thank you

  149. Gary Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    We are using VMWARE 5.1 to clone the physical servers having an Oracle RAC (with ASM). Oracle version is using RHEL 4.5. The datafiles are on an EMC storage. Basically, we want to migrate from a physical to a virtual environment.

    We did not get any error after running the VMWARE to clone the two RAC servers. However, looking at the cloned RAC servers, they don’t have some of the volumes of the EMC particularly those that was supposed to be used by the Oracle datafiles. Thus, when we can’t bring up the Oracle database, it is looking for the EMC path where the data are stored.

    One server that also have an Oracle database (same Oracle and RHEL versions) but is not on RAC and no ASM was successfully cloned and put into service.

    We are looking at re-installing the whole thing (basically, following what’s on this blog) on the virtual environment but if you have some inputs on how we can clone the physical servers, I’ll really appreciate it.

  150. sunny Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    Firstly Thanks alot for porviding wonderful info. and even i am getting new things over core dba concepts like clustering and asm with rac.

    I followed your rac installation document as u have mentioned. But when i started dbca to configure asm in rac1 it is unable to start asm instance on node2 instead of starting asm2 instance on node2
    it is showing following errors:

    PRKS-1009 Failed to start ASM instance “+ASM2” on node rac2[PRKS-1011 Failed to check the status of ASM instance “+ASM2” on node rac2 [CRS-0210: colud not find resource ora.rac2.ASM2.asm.]

    but it is starting the asm instance on node1 and pfile (init+ASM2.ora) is also created in node2

    can i omit the step and continue to go head or else do i need to check the cluster verfication
    what i need to do I strucked up with this problem

    Kindly do the need ful

    Thanks & Regards

  151. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    You have to make sure that ASM on the second node is up. Check necessary log files

  152. Gaurav Vashist Says:

    I have Sucessfully Installed Oracle 10g R2 RAC on VMware on OEL 4.8

    Host OS : Win 7
    VMware Workstation 9.0
    Intel i3 , 3GB RAM .

    Thanks Kamran :)

  153. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Well Done!

  154. S.M.Bahauddin Bakhtiar Says:

    I am stop to configuration to the following steps . Please help me

    “As you see, the state of disk group shows that it’s not mounted on the second node. For this, we need to restart the second node. Click on Finish and restart the second node. After it starts, login with root user and call dbca from the first node again.”

    Here how do is restart the second node.

    Please help me.

  155. kashif Says:

    Ya Hoooooooooooooooooooo :) I have Done It Rac
    Nice Demo Mr Kamran :)

  156. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Well done! Congratulations!

  157. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Kashif
    That’s great! Congratulations!

  158. umasrinivas Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    I am a Production DBA with exp 3 years and the above slides given me some idea about RAC setup.

    Thank for your meterial and good work.

  159. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Srinavas
    Thanks for the feedback and I’m glad to be helpful!

  160. Khaled Says:

    Hi Karman ,
    can I use the ubunto 12.10 and OLE 5

    but i have some confused OLE5 is the oracle for linux 64bit

  161. ahamediss Says:

    HI Kamran Agayev

    Awesome… its a Great hard work.

    how to Implement same setup Window server 2003 32 bit Environment using Oracle VM virtual Box. Please advise.

  162. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    I don’t have my own step by step guide for Windows RAC installation, but you can get them from http://www.oracle-base.com

  163. Mohammed.Ateeq Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    I have tried to setup rac using your tutorial. I always get stuck at this point:

    “As you see, the state of disk group shows that it’s not mounted on the second node. For this, we need to restart the second node. Click on Finish and restart the second node. After it starts, login with root user and call dbca from the first node again.”

    I checked all the services on both nodes and they are online. After restarting the second node, i run the dbca command from oracle user and still the diskgroup is not mounted on second node. Please let me know what might be the error? I havent lost the hope and still wanna try to finish this tutorial.

    Eagerly waiting for the reply.

    Best Regards,

  164. narendranath reddy Says:

    Hi Kamaran,

    I have created the shared cluster file system using ocfs2 following your document. but i didnt found the created file on rac2 node.
    steps i have done for testing
    1)created the /ocfs/ocr shared file system using ocfs2 on both nodes
    2) change the permission to oracle
    3) cd to /ocfs/ocr
    4) touch test
    5) when i check the same test file on the rac2 node it is not available.

    Please let me know how to resolve this issue.


  165. Muhammad Atif Says:

    Hi Kamran thanks but i have some problem that i use to present it as a final year project but i am little bit confuse about abstract. What if you help me writing it abstract followed in FYP report. I’ll be very thankful to you for this favor.

  166. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Muhammad
    What are you going to present and what kind of help do you need?

  167. Ateeq Says:

    Follow the above link. I succeeded in first attempt. He followed some steps of kamran but also contains video tutorial.


  168. Srinivas Says:

    Hi kamran,

    It was really excellant post from you .!!!

    thank you for the patience while uploading screens…

    I am expecting 11g rac screens from you…



  169. Kuber Says:

    Hi Kamran

    Thanks for the excellent post.

    I tried the same for oracle 11g RAC .. but am getting the following error after running the ‘root.sh’
    script on second node.
    I ran the ‘root.sh’ on second node AFTER it completed on first node. I have set the sidk.locking=”FALSE” in for tboth machines.

    DiskGroup CRS creation failed with the following message:
    ORA-15018: diskgroup cannot be created
    ORA-15017: diskgroup “CRS” cannot be mounted
    ORA-15003: diskgroup “CRS” already mounted in another lock name space

    Here is the install log entry:

    2014-02-19 09:42:13: Configuring ASM via ASMCA
    2014-02-19 09:42:14: Executing as grid: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/asmca -silent -diskGroupName CRS -diskList ORCL:CRS1,ORCL:CRS3,ORCL:CRS2 -redundancy NORMAL -configureL
    2014-02-19 09:42:14: Running as user grid: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/asmca -silent -diskGroupName CRS -diskList ORCL:CRS1,ORCL:CRS3,ORCL:CRS2 -redundancy NORMAL -configu
    2014-02-19 09:42:14: Invoking “/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/asmca -silent -diskGroupName CRS -diskList ORCL:CRS1,ORCL:CRS3,ORCL:CRS2 -redundancy NORMAL -configureLocalASM
    ” as user “grid”
    2014-02-19 09:42:47: Configuration of ASM failed, see logs for details
    2014-02-19 09:42:47: Did not succssfully configure and start ASM
    2014-02-19 09:42:47: Exiting exclusive mode
    2014-02-19 09:42:47: Command return code of 1 (256) from command: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl stop resource ora.crsd -init
    2014-02-19 09:42:47: Stop of resource “ora.crsd -init” failed
    2014-02-19 09:42:47: Failed to stop CRSD
    2014-02-19 09:43:34: Initial cluster configuration failed. See /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/crsconfig/rootcrs_rac2.log for details

    Am I missing something?
    Can you please help.

  170. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Kuber
    Could you please post the output for the ASM instance alert.log file and output of the following log file?

  171. santhosh Says:

    Hi Kamran,
    Thanks for ur doc. i have faced problem being installation , i have configured upto step i.e touch file in /ocfs/clusterware , it shows in the both nodes , successfully configured shared storage. But problem is then im ready to install cluster s/w one node gets rebooting (sometimes node 1 rebooting, sometimes node 2 rebooting) even i set same time in both nodes. Plz help me.

    Thanks & regards
    Santhosh mail: luckyreddy999@gmail.com

  172. Santhosh Says:

    Hi Kamran
    Thanks for DOC., really its so helpful, im installing rac on VMware(Linux), I have done successfully till sharedstorage if we create file its shows in rac2 node also, then im getting problem when I turn on VMware one node getting rebooted (sometimes rac1 reboots , sometimes rac2 reboots).

    Thanks & Regards

  173. Santhosh Says:

    Hi Kamran
    im asking this second time , I want complete solution plz reply back.

  174. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Santosh
    You may ask more than two times, as I’m not a support :) I’m just a blogger and try to answer to the comments when I have free time

  175. Kuber Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    Thanks for your response. Actually I got it resolved.

    The issue was because when i had set up the environment variables, I had mistakenly set the ORACLE_SID for the ASM instances, as same, ‘+ASM’ instead of setting it as ‘+ASM1’ and ‘+ASM2’ respectively.

    The logs did not lead me to this, but after a bit of hit and try, I found this out.

    Again, thanks for your response.


  176. Pravin Nandeshwar Says:


    Thanks for DOC., really its so helpful…

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