Kamran Agayev's Oracle Blog

Oracle Certified Master

Mount Windows folder on Linux

Posted by Kamran Agayev A. on April 6th, 2009

Sometimes, we need to mount a Windows folder on Linux. In order to do it, let’s follow these steps:

1. Create a directory in Windows, share it and give full permission:


2. Create new directory in /tmp directory on Linux, name it to “test_dir” and mount shared Windows directory into that directory by running below code:

mount -t cifs -o username=#####,password=###### //192.168.##.##/test   /tmp/test_dir


3. Now, by creating new file and folder in Windows directory, we can get them from Linux box. Let’s create a file and a directory in Windows folder


4. At last, let’s check it from Linux, whether we can see the file and the directory or not


As you can see, we can mount any Windows folder in Linux with very easy steps

15 Responses to “Mount Windows folder on Linux”

  1. parminder Says:

    hi kamran thanx for sharing theis article i am wondering if u can let me know mountinh the windows folder on solaris 10 (5.10)
    coz this command don,t work on solaris

  2. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    I didn’t prepare any article related mounting Windows folder on Solaris, but you can find out more information on the net. Please see below link:

  3. mahmut Says:

    merhaba aynı yöntemle AIX 5 te mount ettim fakat . AIX teki tüm file ayarlarını sınırsıza getirmeme rağmen bu windows klasörüne 4gb. fazla data koyamıyorum.sence bunun sebebi ne olabilir

  4. Jamsheer AK Says:

    can you give the demo how to mount a folder or file from Linux regular machine to VM guest Os?

  5. Juan José Says:

    Hi… you think is a good idea use a windows folder ( mapped on a Linux server) as path to make the backup with rman… booth servers had 1 GB in network connection…

  6. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Juan

    I’d suggest you to backup the RMAN to the local server, then copy it to the Windows mount point

  7. Amarjeet Saini Says:


    Greatly thankful to you for help.

  8. mostafa khalaji Says:

    mount -t cifs -o directio //db/db_backup/archive /u01/rman/ARCHIVELOG -o cred=/u01/new_script/upcifs


    ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_dest_2=’location=/u01/rman/ARCHIVELOG’ SCOPE=BOTH;


    tail -n 100 alert_oracle.log

    Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/oracle/oracle/trace/oracle_arc1_5757.trc:
    ORA-19510: failed to set size of 58997 blocks for file “/u01/rman/ARCHIVELOG/1_13370_718287755.dbf” (block size=512)
    ORA-27045: unable to close the file
    Linux-x86_64 Error: 5: Input/output error
    Additional information: 4
    Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/oracle/oracle/trace/oracle_arc1_5757.trc:
    ORA-19510: failed to set size of 58997 blocks for file “/u01/rman/ARCHIVELOG/1_13370_718287755.dbf” (block size=512)
    ORA-27045: unable to close the file
    Linux-x86_64 Error: 5: Input/output error
    Additional information: 4
    ARC1: Error 19510 Closing archive log file ‘/u01/rman/ARCHIVELOG/1_13370_718287755.dbf’
    Archived Log entry 12150 added for thread 1 sequence 13370 ID 0x5eda3546 dest 10:

  9. mostafa khalaji Says:

    linux = RHEL x86 64
    windows = win server 2003

  10. mostafa khalaji Says:

    help my

  11. Alex Says:

    Very easy and useful tip!

  12. Labrini Karahountri Says:

    Could someone help me with a problem i have?
    I need to get some files from a window server into linux server but i am wandering what kind of “service” is this(for example:sftp,ftp or what?)


  13. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Have you read this post? Isn’t it what you want?

  14. Labrini Karahountri Says:

    Goodmorning. I am not ready to test what this post says because i do not have access to windows server yet. But after the mount could i get the files via script targeting the test_dir without any impact?
    I use a tool(Informatica on linux server)and i need to get the files from a windows server automated connecting and transfering the files to a directory that it will be the source from my programs. Sorry i am a beginner….

  15. jamal Says:

    tenk’s for the artikel,

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