Kamran Agayev's Oracle Blog

Oracle Certified Master

Linux commands for Oracle DBA

Posted by Kamran Agayev A. on February 22nd, 2009

Today I would like to introduce you some articles related to advanced Linux commands. These commands will be useful when working with Oracle Database

There’re 5 articles that I would like to introduce you

Guide to Linux File Command Mastery (Sheryl Calish) 

Guide to Advanced Linux Command Mastery – part 1 (Arup Nanda)

Guide to Advanced Linux Command Mastery – part 2 (Arup Nanda)

Guide to Advanced Linux Command Mastery – part 3 (Arup Nanda)

UNIX Commands for DBAs (Tim Hall) 


29 Responses to “Linux commands for Oracle DBA”

  1. mietwagen Says:

    Sehr gute Seite. Ich habe es zu den Favoriten.

  2. kamranagayev Says:

    Danke! :)

  3. Ankur Akash Says:

    Thank you Sir Kamran for providing these valuable links.
    I have recently visited your blogs and am delighted to see the explained contents of Oracle DBA concepts.
    I am keen to make my career in Oracle DBA. I will be glad if you have time to guide and respond me back.
    My email id is ankurakashsinhaATgmailDOTcom[AT=@ and DOT=. taking precaution against spam email harvesting softwares]
    I am working from last three years for an IT firm as Analyst.

    I would like to know about your book – ‘Expert secrets for using RMAN and Data Pump’.

    With Regards,
    Ankur Akash

  4. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Ankur, welcome to my bloc and thank you for your kind words

    Actually, Oracle career is one of the best careers in the world. Being database administrator is one top careers and as you know, Oracle is #1 in database sector. You may refer to CCN research on this topic

    To start your career as Oracle DBA, you should learn and practice more. I’d suggest you to refer to this link for valuable advices from Turkish Oracle ACE, Tonguc Yilmaz. It is “Introduction to Oracle Newbies” – http://tonguc.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/oracle-introduction-for-newbies.doc

    According to my book, I can say that I’m working on it with my Indian friend – Aman Sharma who is expert in this field. I suppose it will be available on the second half of the next year. It’s going to be full of examples and step by step explanation

    I wish you all the best throughout your DBA career

  5. Ankur Akash Says:

    Thank you Sir.

    A guidance from your end will cheer me up.

    With Regards,
    Ankur Akash

  6. Sunil Says:

    Hello Sir,

    Iam from India,iam a newbie to DBA ORACLE and iam from a non technical background,iam taking the training on sysdba (sql,workshop i and ii)from sqlstar India,mumbai,pls recommend some nice books on this which help me….

  7. Sunil Says:

    ORACLE 10G

  8. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Sunil
    You can start learning Oracle from Oracle University Admin 1 and Admin 2 courses. Moreover you can read some OCA/OCP preparation books of Sybex and McGrawHill publications as well. At last, don’t forget reading Administartors Guide and Concepts from Oracle documentation – http://tahiti.oracle.com

    I suggest you to read “Introduction to Oracle for Newbies” article written by an Oracle ACE – Tonguc Yilmaz from the following link:

    Good Luck!

  9. Sunil Says:

    Hello Sir,

    I got the oracle ekit from oracle but languages is difficult to understand for the non tech background,sir how is this book Oracle Database 10g OCP Certification All-In-One Exam Guide


  10. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    It’s very nice book both for beginners and professionals

  11. Sunil Says:

    Dear Sir there are two books which is better for me..newbie

    Oracle Database 10g OCP Certification All-In-One Exam Guide and


    I have heard a lot about Don Burleson,can you pls recommend me some books of his,plsss sir help me..iam also doing red hat enterprise server 5 training….



  12. Sunil Says:

    Sir pls recommend me some nice books….plssss help me….

  13. Doanld K. Burleson Says:

    Hi Sunil,

    >> I have heard a lot about Don Burleson,can you pls recommend me some books of his

    This is my premier book, if you want to learn Oracle tuning:


    You can also buy it from Schroff publishing in India . . .

  14. Sunil Says:

    Sir pls help me,iam a newbie,pls recommend me some nice books,iam waiting for your reply sir….plssssss

  15. Sunil Says:

    Sir pls help me….

  16. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Dear Sunil

    You’ve got a lot of answer and I’ve asked Mr. Burleson to post the answer by himself. Please read comments and stop asking for help

    Good Luck

  17. Sunil Says:

    Ok sir,thanks a ton…


    Hi Kamran…
    Nice blog..very informative..thanks for sharing..
    all the best for your future releasing book.
    very proud of you as an ORACLE DBA.
    one suggestion..dont reply for silly questions.

  19. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Thank you dear Rajeshkumar

    Accepted your suggestion :) Just don’t want to pass any unanswered question

  20. nk65292 Says:

    Hi Kamran,I have some questions for you regarding the Oracle 10g, can I post the questions plz?

  21. Kamran Agayev A. Says:


    I’d suggest you to look to Oracle documentation before asking any question. If you can’t find the answer in the documentation, search google. In case you didn’t find the answer on google, ask your question over OTN forum – http://forums.oracle.com – There’re a lot of expert volunteers are waiting for your questions :)

    However, I’m also open for your questions, so do not hesitate to contact me via email

  22. Linux Commands Says:

    Can you please recommend me some books of Don Burleson…Thanks

  23. vinoth kannan Says:

    hi sir…
    i am from tamilnadu,india..i like to do oracle course in linux..if i do that course can i get any jobs….please let me know …

  24. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Vinoth

    You’ll definetly find a job if you will have any experience of Oracle with Linux. Start reading the documentation and watch my video tutorials on Oracle, this would help you somehow

  25. Aditya Says:


    i am a oracle certified OCP,
    now i wan to master in Linux for oracle operating system, can you instruct me from where to start.
    what are all the source from where i can read notes on it.


  26. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    I would suggest you the following book:

  27. vtesh Says:

    Actually,i am planning to buy one of your book.(oracle backup and recovery) But shipping charge is 3 times morethan book cost. is it possible to get as pdf.instead of sending book,At present i am in uae.

  28. Intakhab Says:

    Hi Sir,

    I want to do Oracle Certification (OCA and OCP)for Oracle DBA. Can u plz suggest me some book or link for study.

    Intakhab Alam
    Kolkata, India.

  29. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    I’m currently working on the blog post on how to become OCM. Will post it in a days

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