Kamran Agayev's Oracle Blog

Oracle Certified Master

My Oracle e-books

Here you can find all ebooks that I’ve published.

I’ve decided to create an e-book based on all “Step by Step Installation Guides” that I have in my blog. This e-book contains the following step-by-step guides:

1. Step by Step Installing Oracle Database 10gR2 on Linux

2. Step by Step Installing Oracle Database 10gR2 on Oracle Solaris 10

3. Step by Step installing Oracle 11g R2 on OEL 5.5

4. Step by Step installing Oracle 11g R2 on Oracle Solaris 10

It consists of 200 pages and contains 188 screenshots! You can download it “for free” from the following link:

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31 Responses to “My Oracle e-books”

  1. prashant Says:

    hello sir it’s my first visit on this site it’s awesome and helpful for freshers thanks for sharing your wonderful knowledge here.

  2. Paradesaiah Says:

    First I need to say Thank you sir,
    First time I visited to this site. This is Wonderful site to learn new thing on oracle.
    Thanks a lot sir,

  3. Roberto Says:

    Thank you. Wonderful site.

  4. SureshK Says:

    Hello Kamran, thanks a lot for sharing the information through your wonderful website. It has made things really simple for many people. I have been using this website for quite some time now. Thanks again.

  5. ANIL Says:

    hi sir,
    how to install multiple databases on a single server..
    is it required to reset the oracle_home/base in the .bash_profile or i need to create a new one in the bash_profiel..

    pls guide me

  6. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_BASE should remain. You can add aliases to the bash_profile and make setting ORACLE_SID environment variable easy
    Create new database, export ORACLE_SID each time and connect to the database you’ve specified

  7. ANIL Says:

    thanks kamran,
    can u pls tell me the step by step procedure for installing multiple database on a single server

  8. ANIL Says:

    hi sir,
    my bash_profile is like this
    what are the modifications to be done for installing multiple database in a single server…

    thanks in advance

    my bash profile is
    #get the aliases and functions
    if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
    #user environment and startup programs
    export PATH
    unset USERNAME
    ORACLE_SID=prod ; export ORACLE_SID
    ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle; export ORACLE_SID
    ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/10.2.0/db_1; export ORACLE_HOME
    PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH; export PATH
    PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH; export PATH

  9. manveer walia Says:

    today i was installing oracle 10g on linux platform the installation was all okay but when i open the site my database page showed down arrows i found i started up and shutdown the problem i am detecting is off listener can you help me out with this how i can make my database up.


  10. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Don’t make it up using EM. Login to sqlplus and run the following commands:

    sqlplus / as sysdba

  11. riaz Says:

    assalam alikum,


    i am working as an oracle dba..

    i am very thankful to you because you are sharing your knowledge with others.

    i want to share and discuss my doubts with you..

    please let me know…


    allh hafiz


  12. anhtuank7c Says:

    can you make a tutorial step by step config physical standby database?

  13. Sergio Coutinho Says:

    Hi Kamran,

    My Name is Sergio and i live in Brazil (south America).

    Our blog is very interesting, and i will mention your URL on GLUFKE ORACLE FORUN (a brazilian forun of oracle), as an interesting site to visit.

    Best regards,


  14. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Sergio, nice to meet you
    Thanks for sharing my link. I really appreciate it

    As I’m training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, I’m planning to visit Brasil in the near future :)
    Thanks again

  15. syed Says:

    Assalamualaikum kamran!
    i want to purchase rman backup and recovery, i am from india, wud u pls inform me when it wil be delivered? or is it available in india?
    reply me soon.. does this book contains video tutorials cd with this?

  16. kamran Says:

    wonderful material so far so good

  17. Thiyagu , Gunasekaran Says:

    Superb !!

  18. Pankaj Linghate Says:

    HI Kamran,

    Its really helpfull to get to know new features through videos, Nice to understand concepts.
    Please shared more videos on RMAN for Backup & Recovery in detail.

    Thanks in Advance..

  19. farhan Says:

    sir will you please send me 11g R2 rac on oel 5.5 through vmware for testing purpose with pics
    thanks in advance

  20. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Farhan
    I’m currently working on video tutorial and will post it soon

  21. Abid Hussain Says:

    Good work

  22. rehan Says:

    hello sir

    please let me know how the database is created through dbca and manually,upgraded,backup and recover,configured,clone, in real time

    and what is emca command

  23. Kishore Says:

    Hello Kamran,
    Thank You verymuch for all the articles and it’s a Fantastic site.


  24. mauricio Says:

    and 12c?

  25. Sonny Nguyen Says:

    Good morning Sir,
    First of all, I would like to say thank you for your time and effort to present all the knowndge that you have. I really appreciate for this. If you have a chance, Can you show me how to do in diffrent backup and recovery in RMAN, and diffent tunning in oracle and could you please show or recomend for me which type of tunning is the save the most memory and storege space. Finally, can you show me how to set up table_space, index-table. again, I am a student right now, I just want to be prepared for future job. Therefore, I really need your help. Thank in advance.
    Sonny Nguyen

  26. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Sonny

    I would suggest you to start reading Oracle documentation. There’re some video tutorials in my blog where you can find how to make a backup and recovery.

    However, tuning is not an easy issue, so you need to know how Oracle works and from where to start tuning.
    Check the following file and make sure you start reading, reading and reading

  27. Sonny Nguyen Says:

    It is Sonny Again,
    Can you show me step of how to do “Basic Compression” in Oracle 11g
    Thank you for your help

  28. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Dear Sonny
    You should check google

  29. SenthilKumar.V Says:

    Thanks for your enormous support for Oracle Group,
    Give your link for your document showing step by step method of installing Oracle 11gR2 in Redhat Linux latest version

  30. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Senthil
    Check the following post:


  31. Mohammed Says:

    i Thank you sir for your wonderful work, your work is precious Thank you for sharing

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