Kamran Agayev's Oracle Blog

Oracle Certified Master

RMAN Video Tutorial Series – Cloning database without connecting to the target database and recovery catalog in Oracle 11gR2

Posted by Kamran Agayev A. on August 24th, 2010

In this video tutorial I show the cloning of the database using RMAN without connecting to the target database and recovery catalog. Enjoy it



To download the .mp4 format of this file, use the following link:


17 Responses to “RMAN Video Tutorial Series – Cloning database without connecting to the target database and recovery catalog in Oracle 11gR2”

  1. Ulfet Says:

    Good tutorial, unfortunately it is not possible on Oracle 10g.

  2. Natik Talibov Says:

    Hi Kamran

    Da video neplaxoye sps za rabotu.

    Xotelosbi uvidet ili procitat instalaciyu server OEBS R12 na OEL 5.5
    I backup i clone Application Servera

    I umena k vam takoy vopros….

    Praizajol krax vsey bazi danix na fizicekom urovne…
    Ostalsa tolko full RMAN backup .
    Mojna li vostanavit bazu danix spomojyu eto va backup?
    Esli da to kak? esli net to pocemu?

    S uvajeniyem Natik Talibov

  3. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Dear Natik
    Unfortunately I’m not an Apps DBA so can’t work on OEBS installation and app server video tutorials
    According to your second question, sure it’s possible, I even have video tutorial on it :) It’s called “Disaster Recovery”
    Check the following video tutorial :

    Good Luck!

  4. Natik Talibov Says:

    Dear Kamran

    thank you answer my queshon!

    I often read and look your video.

    I wait new video and news for Oracle DBA/Developer…

    Good luck your work!

  5. Jose Valerio Says:

    Good work! If you agree I will reference your videos from my blog, are very useful, for experts and beginers. Regards

    Jose Valerio

  6. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Jose

    Sure you can :)

  7. chet Says:

    Great video.. How do I change db_name when restoring to different server? Like to change PRD to DEV using RMAN backup with out connecting to target database.


  8. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Dear Chet

    Just use any name you want in DUPLICATE DATABASE command

  9. OOW10: The Story So Far « ORAganism Says:

    […] of the ability to restore a database with only a backup and auxiliary instance as detailed here. If you have any desire to know more about RMAN and how to get the most out of it then I’d […]

  10. www.rmanbackup.com Says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this precious information with us.

  11. Khurram Says:

    great…hats off to you for this short,nice,simple and great tutorial.
    Thanks alot.

  12. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    I’m glad to be helpful for you Khurram :)

    Thanks for the feedback

  13. newdba Says:

    Hi..Mr.Kamran, Your videos are quite impressive. Will it be possible to upload RMAN Effective usage in RAC environment of Oracle 11gr2 and RMAN scripts related some of the videos.

    Thank you in advance for your extended support in making freshers understand concepts like us who are into the world of Oracle DBA.

  14. sandesh Says:

    very helpful site

    Thank you

  15. ls Says:

    the link is unwork,can you tell me a new link?

  16. ali Says:

    dear this link is broken,while downloading it say no file found or while playing no file found error comes.

  17. Kamran Agayev A. Says:

    Hi Ali
    Thank you for the information. I’ve uploaded the video. Please check it again

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